Tools can also be duplicated and customized, serving as great references for creating your own tools.
In PDQ Inventory, it's easy to import tools to your console machine. The Tools Library is synced each time you launch PDQ Inventory, every two hours by the PDQ Inventory background service, and can be manually synced on the Tools Library tab of the Tools page. For the integration to work properly with Central Server, both products will need to be.
IMPORTANT: This requires both PDQ Inventory and PDQ Deploy in Enterprise mode. IMPORTANT: Some tools require additional software be installed on the console machine in order work for example PDQ Deploy or SysInternals. Use this condition if you want to make sure a target computer is or is not a member of a certain collection in PDQ Inventory before running the package. To enable alerts for newly released versions of PDQ products, click Options > Preferences > Alerts (or press Ctrl+Comma) and select both Auto Update Check Enabled and Release Channel. These tools can be excellent time savers when working with target computers. PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory versions 19.3.41 are now available for download. These tools are created and maintained by PDQ for use with PDQ Inventory (Enterprise license required to use the Tools Library). PDQ Deploy Enterprise 19.3.472.0 is a reliable and feature-rich software deployment tool that simplifies the process of deploying software and updates across a network. The Tools Library provides popular sys admin utilities and commands that can be run against individual computers, or in some cases, against groups of computers.